Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Evan Wolfson Interview with S.Q.R.E.

March, 2009

Allison Hoffman of SQRE talks with Evan Wolfson about the freedom to marry movement, gains and losses, and why marriage matters.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BBC Analysis: Marriage

April 21, 2009

Next week the first marriage licences will be issued for gay couples in the mid-western American state of Iowa. But meanwhile, a majority of US states have amended their constitutions to ban gay couples' marriage. Evan Wolfson says, "The best way for all of us to protect not only personal freedom, but religious freedom, is to respect the separation of church and state. I think people need to remember that under the law, marriage has many different meanings... but what counts legally is the license issued by the government and the legal responsibilities and protections that are attached to that."

The Inside Story with Ana Marie Cox

Air America
April 19, 2009

Ana Marie Cox interviews New York Governor David Patterson where he explains why he supports equal marriage rights.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Evan Wolfson on Gay People's Right to Marry

michellehaimoff's Podcast
February 10, 2009

Evan Wolfson speaks with Michelle Haimoff about the problem with the term "gay marriage," the legal battles ahead for gay Americans, and the most effective thing the gay community can do to achieve equality.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Luncheon

The Association of American Law Schools
January 7, 2009
Section Luncheon: Speaker Evan Wolfson, Freedom to Marry
12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Monday, January 05, 2009

Interview: Tahlib Britton of Freedom to Marry

Check out what Tahlib has to say about his experience with marriage equality, equal rights, homophobia and much, much more by listening to the show.

45 Minutes
